


From: Madam Edith Marculey
Date: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 1:14 AM
Subject: God Bless You.

Dear sir.

I know that my mail might come as a surprise to you
because I have not met you before. I came across your
contact during my search for a trust worthy partner
that can handle a confidential business for our
mutual benefit.

However, this is an urgent passionnate plead for you
assisting me and my son moses, because of my
present situation.So I would like you to carefully
consider this mail and treat it very confidential
for us to achieve the success of it, and give me a
prompt response.

My name is Madam Edith Marculey the wife to late

Dr Marculey the former director general of
Sierra-leone Gold and diamond corporation who was
assasinated by the rebels loyal to Foday Sankoh the
(R U F) leader, before his death, he deposited a
metallic trunk box containing $20,500.000 (Twenty
Million Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars) in a
private security company in Abidjan, which in the
certificate of deposit it was stated that the
beneficiary to the said consignment was is foreign
business partner based abroad .

depository documents then issued to my late husband
by the security company, befor his asasination the
relatives of my late husband family has been
treatning to kill me and my only hope in life
Moses, so that they can inherite his wealth and
properties, which made us to flee for safety to
Abidjan the capital city of Cote d'iviore with the

My late husband deposited the box under special
arrangement as contaning family valaubles by this
way, the security company does not know the real
content of the box for security reason, The
deposite document issued to my late husband
is available and can be sent to you on request.So
all am asking from you is to assist me by coming
over to Abidjan Cote d;Ivoire, and help me to claim
this box which containing money,
from the security company and pay it into abank
account here.

With your name through any of the international
banks for onward transfer to your account in your
country for a profitable business ,investment. as a
refugee here I can not open an account with my name
or my son name till i have all required back up
document as a full blon citizen.

thanks for your co-operation
Madam Edith Marculey and son moses.

[The above letter was addressed to Arthur Dent, but I'll be retiring Arthur soon, so lets hand over to his son]



From: Mr. Acksi Dent (Managing Director)
To: Madam Edith Marculey

Dear Madam Edith Marculey,

My apologies for my late reply. My secretary passed on your email to me a short while ago. You see, for some reason you addressed your email to my father, Arthur Dent. I am sorry to say that my father died some weeks ago, and being his only son I have taken over the business. I am very interested in your proposition, but because we cannot meet face-to-face (unless you are able to come to meet with me in the UK?) then you will have to provide me with some guaranteed proof of identity. I am afraid that a passport or other ID will not be suitable as I know how easily such things are forged.

First a little information about myself and my company. My Name is Mr. Acksi Dent, and I am 27 years old. Although I have only recently taken over my fathers business, I have been working in this industry for eight years. My company is called 'Arseholes Ice Creams', and we are one of the UK's largest manufacturers of ice creams, lollipops and other frozen confectionery, I do not think we export to your location yet. The nearest location to you that we export our products to is Nairobi, Kenya. Perhaps you have heard of our advertising Slogan, "Arseholes are Good To Lick"? Presently our annual profits are around £13.7 million UK pounds per year. I employ just over 2,500 workers and we have seven manufacturing companies.

Anyway, to return to your proposition. Madam Edith Marculey, as I have indicated, I am very interested in your proposition, but before I would be willing to proceed or give out any private information I will require that you are able to send me some definite proof of your identity. May I suggest the following: That we agree on a password phrase, and then you get a new photograph of yourself holding a sign with the password written on it? That way I will know for certain that the person in the picture is you.

I am afraid that without proof of your identity I will be unwilling to proceed. Please note: Do not send any image until I have decided on a suitable password phrase to use.

Kind regards.

Mr. Acksi Dent.
Managing Director: Arseholes Ice Creams
"Arseholes Are Good To Lick"



From: Madam Edith Marculey
Date: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 3:27 PM
Subject: God Bless You.

Dear Mr. Acksi Dent.

Thank you very much for your mail that gave I and my son courage to endure the deficulties that I and my son have been passing through since the death of my late husband, and expecialy since we arrived abidjan without any relation or friends, I am very sorry to hear that you losed your father just about three weeks ago, pl be courage and prayerfull for God will be with you to manage your father's wealth properly, my son after reading your mail, he said to mom he is in the same condition like me, but he is lucky nobody is against him.

So my dear I will be waiting to receive your password as you suggested and your direction on how you want me to make use of the password when taking the pic,

Please I would want you to understand that our entire future expecialy that of my son depends on the outcome of this transation, the said funds deposited with the security company is all that we are left with, my late husband family seized all my late husband physical asset and even tried to do away with our lives, I just hope you and your mother are not suffering the same from your late father's family. for all what I have just explain to you I am begging you to keep this transaction secret for yourself alone.

I am waiting for the password and will act accondingly and soon as received.

remain blessed.




From: Mr. Acksi Dent (Managing Director)
To: Madam Edith Marculey

My dear Edith,

Thank you for your email and your thoughts for my father. I can assure you that I am well capable of handling this deal and your funds will be handled by me totally risk free. As soon as I get your photograph I am sure that we can get the funds processed very quickly indeed.

I have decided that a suitable password would be one that relates to my company. Therefore, please make a large sign (the bigger the better) with the words:


Hold this sign and have your photograph taken holding it. When I receive a satisfactory photograph I will then be 100% trusting in you and will be happy to proceed with this deal with the utmost urgency.

Please note, this is VERY important: The image must be very large and clear. I am afraid I cannot accept small or unclear images. If the image you send is too small then I will not accept it.

Please let me know on what day you will be able to send the picture and I will ensure that I am in my office so that I may contact you immediately.

Please take care,

Mr. Acksi Dent.
Managing Director: Arseholes Ice Creams
"Arseholes Are Good To Lick"



[Damn this scammer is fast!]

From: Madam Edith Marculey
Date: Thursday, February 19, 2004 5:03 PM
Subject: Re: God Bless You.

Dear Acksi Dent.

I wish to inform you that I have picked up the snap shot and I am ready to send it to you immediately, I am writing to notify you that I will be sending the picture as soon as I received confirmation instruction from you as you request to be notified before sending the picture, so as soon as I receive your go-ahead order I will send it now, if not first thing tomorrow morning.
remain blessed.



[Of course I reply immediately!]

From: Mr. Acksi Dent (Managing Director)
To: Madam Edith Marculey

Dear Edith,

This email is to confirm my readiness to receive your image. As soon as it is received I will contact you again immediately.

Kind regards,

Mr. Acksi Dent.
Managing Director: Arseholes Ice Creams
"Arseholes Are Good To Lick"



[True to her word - which I admit is unusual for a scammer - the picture arrives]

From: Madam Edith Marculey
Date: Thursday, February 19, 2004 6:30 PM
Subject: picture attarched

Dear Acksi Dent.

I then forward my piture as requested, I will also require that you send me your full data as well, I have done this because of the trust I and my son have reposed on you.

please get back to me as soon as possible,

attarch is the picture.
remain blessed.

Is this the fastest ever posed mugu picture received?!



From: Mr. Acksi Dent (Managing Director)
To: Madam Edith Marculey

Dear Edith,

My apologies for the late reply to your email. Unfortunately your letter came in to my office after closing hours so I did not see it until some moments ago.

I am pleased to tell you that I am very happy with the image you have sent, and I will now be in a position to be able to do business with you. Please inform me how you wish to proceed.


Mr. Acksi Dent.
Managing Director: Arseholes Ice Creams
"Arseholes Are Good To Lick"



From: Madam Edith Marculey
Date: Saturday, February 21, 2004 11:56 AM
Subject: remain blessed.

Dear Acksi Dent.

thank you very mush for your mail, I was very happy to know that you wellcomed the image. concerning the proceedure of this transaction, I will be going to the security company first thing monday morning to make some inquiries to know the easiest and fatest way we can proceed, because our condition here is very critical. I will update you as soon as I return from the company on monday, meanwhile I will like to speak with you by phone as we now consider you as our family member, do call me at +225 07649910.

you should also send me your telephone number and address, pl do not forget to send your number as requested.
remain blessed.



From: Madam Edith Marculey
Date: Monday, February 23, 2004 2:06 PM
Subject: Update

Dear Mr. Acksi Dent.

I am just coming back from the security company, they just confirm to me about their diplomatic means of delivering consignment to their clients address in their countries and that they also move consignment to their offshore office in Holland, Spain, Dubai depending where the beneficiary of the consignment consider to be close to his country. So Mr Dent I have wanted that you come down here for us to meet face to face, and together go to the security company to retrieve the box, but I am suggesting that you arrange with the security company to move the box to any of their above mention offshore offices that you consider close for you to travel and retrieve the box on our behalf, or even arrange that the box be deliver to your address in your country directly through the said diplomatic means of delivery, as I consider this method to be easier and will protect us from going through banking deficulties.

you will have to contact the security company, to apply for a change of ownership to your name, please you should be very carefull when contacting the security company, you should first introduce yourself to them as my late husband foreign partner, that you want to apply for a change of ownership on your name because you want the box to be deliverred to your address in your country through their diplomatic delivery systen. note you must not for any reason disclose the real content of the box to the security company, like I told you before my late husband did not disclose the real content of the box to them.

do send your telephone and fax number so that I can fax you the certifacte of deposit issued to my late husband by the security company as at the time he made the deposit, please it is because of the trust I have build in you that I am sending you this informations you are to keep it for yourself alone, and not to be disclose to any other person nomatter who or what the person may be to you, please don't betray the trust and confidence build in you. the box referrence code is: lgs/96-w/15--1/02, series number 96/w/151, the depositor is my late husband DR. EFFIONG MARCULEY, the next of kin is my son MOSES. please I and my son are realy suffering here we are even finding it deficult to eat, and we are owing rents in the guesshouse.

bellow is the security company's contact info.
TEL: +225 07511817
FAX: +225 21284268
EMAIL: [email protected]

remain blessed.



From: Madam Edith Marculey
Date: Thursday, February 26, 2004 6:30 PM
Subject: reminder(disapointed)

Dear Asksi.

we are so surprised of you silense, but request that you make your position and your ability or inability to assist us known to us, as this will enable us a step forward.

remain blessed.



From: Mr. Acksi Dent (Managing Director)
To: Madam Edith Marculey

Dear Edith.

I am sorry for my long delay in replying. I hav only just returned from hspital. I broke my arm in a motorcycle acident and have not ben able to use my hands to type until tody.

I am still fininding it diffucult to type but i will get back to you later today.




From: Madam Edith Marculey
Date: Friday, February 27, 2004 12:31 PM
Subject: God will be with you.

Dear Dent.

I am very sorry for what happen to you, hope you are recovering from the shock, I will be waiting to hear from you. but please take good care of yourself.

remain blessed.



From: Mr. Acksi Dent (Managing Director)
To: Madam Edith Marculey

Dear Edit

thnakyo fo r your understnding of my current pre dickament. Edith, plees find my contakt teleephon number below. If I am not in the ofice to receive yor call then please leave a massage on my asering machine.

my telephone numer is (UK) +44 7092 037387

kid regards


nb: my apologs for the poor writing. my docktor tells me that my arm will bee back too normal sooon.



From: Madam Edith Marculey
Date: Monday, March 01, 2004 11:33 AM
Subject: remain blessed.

Dear Acksi.

I have been trying to call you this morning for several time without geeting through to your number, kindly inform me of your improvement health wise, hope you are strongly recovering.

please it is important we take a step forward, so let me know the possibility of you coming down here in Abidjan to meet with us, like I told you before the security company told me of the possibilities of delivering the box to your address in your country, so if you won't be able to come down here, do contact the security company as directed in one of my mails to you, to seek more information on how this diplomatic method of delivery operate.

you know our condition here is very critical for now and we will need little assistance from you as we are having problems in paying the gueshouse rent, so please call me as soon as you receive this message, my number remain the same +225 07649910. I will be expecting your call.

remain blessed.



From: Mr. Acksi Dent (Managing Director)
To: Madam Edith Marculey

dear eDitH

thakyo for yourr email and i am sory that you have not beeen able to contct me by telephon. it would be no good to try to speak with me at the moment becose my mouth is in muchh pain after teh acident and i can not speek very well.

i can come down to meeet with yo in abijam in about 1 week when my hellth is bak too normal. please can you contact the secuity companee on my behalf and ask themm wht may be needed before i mate my tripp?

my apologis onc again for the pooor qulity of my email but hands ar wtil in a grate deal of pain.




From: Madam Edith Marculey
Date: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 4:51 PM
Subject: Re: remain blessed.

Dear Acski.

I feel so bad hearing that this accident went to this extend, pl you must take good care of yourself, to ensure a better recovery. I will be going to the security company to calculate the total cost of the accumulated demurrage first thing tomorrow morning and will get back to you.

I am very sorry to ask you for a little financial help in your present condition but please do understand that we do not have any other relation apart from you, we are owing in the guesshouse where we are currently staying and the guesshouse manager is treatening to push us out from there if we can't come-up with £350equivelent that we are owing, I am begging you to please send us the money by tomorrow so that we can pay what we are owing we are even finding it deficult to feed here, we do not know where to go if we are sent out from the guesshouse, please we are counting on you, my son Moses extend his greetings to you.

I will get back to you as soon as I am back from the security company tomorrow.
remain blessed.



From: Madam Edith Marculey
Date: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 7:48 PM
Subject: are you getting better?.

Dear Acksi Dent.

I have been expecting to read from you since concerning the help request to see off of the guesshouse bill, hope you are not disturb by your accident, are the pains stil strong?. pl note that we are so concern of your health that we feel so bad and afraid not hearing from you, do update us of your health.

I was at the security company today and have the total accumulated demurrage of the box calculated with the security company authorities, the total demurrage to be paid before the consignment will be released to us when you arrive here is £14.500, so please kindly update us of your schedule as soon as your health permit you to come down here, we are also putting your health in prayer and we also believe God will restore your good health in the nearest days to come.
pl remember you are required to come down here with the above mention amount so that we will both go to the security company to pay of the accumulated demurrage and claim the box out from the company. as soon as this is done we will also go to a bank here where you will pay the funds into and order for a transfer of the funds to your account in country.

we are seriously waiting for your update.
remain blessed.



From: Mr. Acksi Dent (Managing Director)
To: Madam Edith Marculey

helo edithh

i am feeling much bettter today bu t my finger arse still very stiffy so it is sti ll very difikult to write but at lest i am not in too mucch pane any moore. the doktor gave me lots of cream for my stiffy.

this mornig yew sent a reqesst for £350 for yor gusthoose bill which is fine but now yo are asking for £14,500 more for demurragey feese? wil yew please ask yor lawyr to xplan exactlee wot thhees xcharges are four plees?

with warm regurds.




From: Madam Edith Marculey
Date: Thursday, March 04, 2004 10:28 AM
Subject: clarification(urgent)

Dear Acksi Dent.

thank you very much for your mail, and we are very happy to hear that you are not much in pains as we though, be rest assured your finger will soon be better.

you misunderstood me, I requested a personal help of £350 from you to pay for what we are owing in the guesshouse where we are currently staying, because the guesshouse manager said he will be pushing us out from the guesshouse if we can't pay him, and we do want to go back to the refugee camp here, because there people are monitored. so please this £350 is for our personal need and I beg that you try sending it directly to the guesshouse manager's name MR. JOHNSON NDUKWE through the western union money transfer.

Concerning the £14.500 is the cost of the total demurrage that the box has accumulated since it was deposit in the security company by my late husband for safe keeping, the box has been accumulating daily demurrage since then which will be paid to the security company before the box will be release to us, but this £14500 you do not need to send it, you will be coming down here with it as soon as you are ready health wise, because it will be used in your presence here to pay the total demurrage cost of the box to the security company. like I told you before as soon as you arrive here and we get the box out from the security company all your expenses will be first all deducted.

so please try all you can to send the £350 today through the western union to the above given name, the £14500 you will have to come down here with it.

hope you are going to make a better understanding this time, also update me of your schedule as to when exactly you plan coming here.

remain blessed.



From: Mr. Acksi Dent (Managing Director)
To: Madam Edith Marculey

dear edyke

thank you ounce again for your emale.

i thank it would be better for me to bring both amount s with me to abijane next weak. I can brung both amonts in cash to help get the funds transvestite more quicklyer.

wil you perlees let me know if you are able to me et wyth me between the dates of march 10th ond marcth 22nd. please choose a most sootable time between thees two dates and I will book my plain tickets and send you my fly itinererererery (receeipt). i will be happy to als bring you sum gifts for all your help. please let me now what type of nice gits I can brung to you to say thank you for your help.

I am sorrry that I cunt still type very well but I am now feeling very much better. My stiffy cream is now stopped all the pain in my fingerz also but becose of the plaster on my arms and finger s i am still having great dificulty typing. normalee i would get my secretary to type the letters for me but of course i want to keeep this deal very secrett.

can you plese tel me what the shopping in abeejarn is like? are theirr any modern electrickle and clothings shops there? I wank to doo some shopping during my trip too meat with you.





From: Madam Edith Marculey
Date: Thursday, March 04, 2004 11:02 PM
Subject: 10th of this month is okay.

Dear Acksi Dent.

I am very happy reading from you again, I will prefer that your coming be soon, I think 10th of this month will be very preferables. concerning the shoping center, there are many places that you can make some sweetable shoping.

please I am still begging you to send the £350 tomorrow morning, because the guesshouse manager will be pushing us out from the guesshouse on saturday 6th, so please for God sake do send us the £350 tomorrow if not we will be sent out from the guesshouse. and we do not have anywhere else to go. please please.

I am seriously begging you and we are counting on you.
remain blessed.



From: Mr. Acksi Dent (Managing Director)
To: Madam Edith Marculey

dear edith

i am sorre but theere is no chance for me t o get t o the bank for 2 or 3 days yet. I am barely able t o walk out off my housee. until my woundes area fully heale d i will not be able to do verry muuch more for th time beeingo.

please go bak 2 the securty company and tell them to give you the £350 and tell them that wen i yam bettr i will pay them the £350 back nexty week. tell them if thay need any identificicication form me i will scan my paspurt and sned it to them

tak care




From: Madam Edith Marculey
Date: Friday, March 05, 2004 10:15 AM
Subject: remain blessed

Dear Acksi.

please we are sorry for your situation, but it won't be wise for me going to seek help from the security company, as you know they do not know the real content of the box. so what I intend to do now is to print a copy of your last mail to me, and take it to the guesshouse manager this way I will be able to convience him to allow us til next week, you should also scan your passport and send it to me, because it will also help me convience the guesshouse manager til nextweek.

I also want to know if you have already apply for a visa to this country, or you documents do not require visa to come down here, please update.

I will be waiting to receive your passport scanned copy latter today.
take good care of your health, we are also praying for your devine restoration, we also wish to let you know that we are also sharing your pains with you, so be courageous, you are not alone.
remain blessed.



From: Mr. Acksi Dent (Managing Director)
To: Madam Edith Marculey

dear edeath,

many thanks fo r yor email. toaday I am happy to telll you that i am felling very much better. the onlee porblem i have now is with the stiffyness of my armz and finkers. my doctor tells me if I keeep using the stiffy cream i will get much satisfakshun and be ready to remove the plaster in a few moor days, i want to wank you for being so patient wioth me. i know that things arse o difficunt for you at the moment.

edith i will be booking my flight to come to meeet with the securicor copanee tomorrow. I am afraid i cannot come on the 10th as you asked. I can come on the 13th of March. if this is sootable to yoo then perlees let me know asap and i will book the tickets and arrange to send you a copy of my flite boo king ticket. i will try to get tooo the bank on monday morning and i will get £15,000 cashh to bering whith me too the meeting which i hope will speed up the prosess off releasin g the funds.

pleas find attched my passprt photograf for you to show to your gusset house minger. tell him that i will be moose happy to pay your bill and will also give him sum extra for being patient.

again perlease let meet know if my cumming on you on the13th of march is OK and i will boow my flight.

thak you.


Acksi Dent's passport.

[The man in the photo is Rodney Trotter from the BBC TV series Only Fools and Horses]



From: Madam Edith Marculey
Date: Saturday, March 06, 2004 7:49 AM
Subject: Re: remain blessed

Dear Acksi,

thank you very much for your mail. can't understand how much me and my son feel so happy each time we hear that the state of your health is seriously improving, you are going to be fully better soon by God's grace, we are okay with your comming on the 13th of this month, we are ok with it.

I will try to talk to the guesshouse manager as soon as he comes this morning.
remain blessed.



From: Madam Edith Marculey
Date: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 12:51 PM
Subject: reminder mail

Dear Acksi.

We have been very worried not hearing from you all this while, pl could you update us on how you are doing health wise.
remain blessed.



From: Mr. Acksi Dent (Managing Director)
To: Madam Edith Marculey

Dear edeath,

it was i that wa s waitingg for yure reply to my email beloww. if you read it agiyn you wil see that i asked yo if coming to meet yoo on the 13th would be ok but yoo did knot reply to mee.





From: Madam Edith Marculey
Date: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 3:37 PM
Subject: 13th is fine with us.

Dear Acksi.

we are so sorry if you didn't received the response to your mail bellow on saturday as was sent.

your coming on the 13th is okay with us, the guesshouse manager also accept to allow us until the 14th moning, so please get back to us accordingly as to the confirmation of your schedul on the 13th.

We will be waiting for your update, hope you are getting very much better.
remain blessed.



From: Mr. Acksi Dent (Managing Director)
To: Madam Edith Marculey

Dear edeath,

tankyou for yur repounce to my email. i have now made teh boooking for my plain flight and yoo will fint a scam of my flite ininererery attchet to this em ail.

As you cans see, my arriveil is in Abijane on at 6.20pm on the 13teenth of march. please can you get you get sombodee to meat me at th e airporrt to take me tew the meating. I am still witing for my visa cleerance but my contact in the british govenment has told me it will be reddy by tomorrrow so that shuld not bee a prolblem at all.

I willy only be staying in Abeejane for one nite and will be leaving the nexxt day at 11.35 pmm. i wantd to fliy by bristish airways but they do not flight to abijane so i have to book a airy frances flite insteed. i yam luking forward to meeting with yoo and getttting this deal compleeted ASASAP, I have managed tio get to the bank todayy and i have taken £16,000 in cash to brung with me.

please get back to me to let me knowe that theer will be sumone to meat me at tha airport becasue I cunt be able to find my way around in abijean by meeself.





From: Madam Edith Marculey
Date: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 12:49 PM
Subject: remain blessed

Dear Ascki.

we are so happy to received your flight booking, be rest assured I am arranging for somebody that will be coming to pick you from the airport here, please also send a scan copy of you visa when ready for confirmation, I tried calling you again today but the line doesn't go through, do reconfirm your telephone number to us.
we will be very happy to meet with you here on the 13th.

remain blessed.



From: Mr. Acksi Dent (Managing Director)
To: Madam Edith Marculey

Dur Edeath,

Wankyou for yor emale is it hery much apresheated. I will be piking upp my VISA on the moaning of my departur from the Côte d'Ivoire embassy. The London address is, Embassy of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, 2 Upper Belgrave Street, London SW1X 8BJ If I have time beefore I bored my flite i will try too scam a copy and forward itt to yoo.

One final requesst. would it be possible for you to sendd me a photogrph of the personn who is gooing to me et me at the airport. if it is possible it would greatly helpp if you could ask them to hold my password phrase in teh phot too,

awaiting your urgent replay.




From: Madam Edith Marculey
Date: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 8:14 PM
Subject: remain blessed.

Dear Acksi.

thanks for your update, concerning the person to come and pick you from the airport here I think I may be coming to pick you up myself, because the person I wanted to come and pick you up is not aware of your reason of coming as he doesn't know much about us, and we do not want to explain anything to him. so he might not accept to go through that process just to render services to us. I am suggesting that he hold a sign with your name writen on it at the airrival here in abidjan, so that as soon as you see him you will know he is the person, otherwise I will come myself to pick you up.

we are so concern with your visa, and we are seriously praying that you be able to obtain your visa as you said.

remain blessed.



From: Mr. Acksi Dent (Managing Director)
To: Madam Edith Marculey

der edith,

thakyou for yor ema il.

there is no neet to wory about the viissa. i will be picking it uppy on th day of my deeparture. i have good contactsss in the govenment so that thing like visia are nott a problem. even if the visa is no t tready for me my contakt will phone the immagraytion officials in abijane and make sure that theer will not bee a porblem so donut worry aboot this.

i will send you an email on teh day of my deeparture. i will be fit to travel ok but my left arm is in a sling so i while be easee to recognise





From: Madam Edith Marculey
Date: Thursday, March 11, 2004 10:32 PM
Subject: remain blessed

Dear Acksi.

thank you for your asurance that your visa will be ready, we will be very glad to receive you here, please make sure you send us a mail before your departure time as promise, my son Moses realy want to see you as you both of you are almost of the same age grade because he will be 26years old by now.

pl remember to bring some gift to the guesshouse manager and two other workers in the guesshouse that have been so good with us all this deficult period I think good mobile phones for them will be good. pl remember that nobody is aware of our reason of being here, so you do not need to disclose anything to anybody wethere here or there, until the funds are lifted to your country.

I am also preparing an agreement contract between us and you which you will go through as soon as you arrive here. once again we will be so glad to receive you here.

remain blessed.



From: Mr. Acksi Dent (Managing Director)
To: Madam Edith Marculey

Dreary edeath,

agaain my thaaaaanks for you emale.

i willy be sure to emaale you just beforee i leave. in the airport there is som einternert terminals sew i can log intew my accunt and let choo know that iy am on the way.

i am looooking frward too meating wiv yor son and maybe we can spend a lot of whores together. I will beshure tooooo brung some presents four the gusset house managerie and if it is not tooo difficunt for me to bring some extra gifts for you and your sun i will dew so.

please tell me what is the weather like in abidjane now? is the climax there very hot? please let me know so that i can prepare the righ close to brung ith me.

i am hoep to listen from you soon.





From: Madam Edith Marculey
Date: Friday, March 12, 2004 2:24 PM
Subject: Re: remain blessed

Dear Acksi.

it is realy fine to hear from you again this morning, we are looking forward meeting with you.

concerning the wether here it is always hot here of a minimum of 29° to 34°, so you should put on a light wear because the wether here will be hot for you.

waiting to hear from you before your departure tomorrow, we also pray that your trip be very successful until you arrive and so will it be for your return.
remain blessed.




From: Mr. Acksi Dent (Managing Director)
To: Madam Edith Marculey

dear edyke,

thak you for the inform ation that you gave to mee below. if will fake sure that I am travelling with the currect clothing as you adviced. just to let you know that i while be wearing a yellow shite with orange sleeves and sum pastel blue pants. i have knot yet deciiided on the shoos that i will bf dfasf';fkl;kladsfl;afsl;dfdsf kl;l;fa'sdl;f;alfvm vm,.mv/rkl mq'pomm vqvmv l;mqev'e;

edeath i am sorry about the strange tects above, my left arm just gave mee a lot of PAIN and i could nowt fee my fingurs.

OK to cuntinew. as eye told jew yesterdate i will try to send yoo one finail emale beffor i board the plain. there are iterninet termites at the airport so i while sned you a massage to let yoo know that I has me VISA safetlee.

I have the cash wiyth me now and i am forward very looking much tooo enjoying our new profitabl deel!

With sincererere reegards,

Aski dont



From: Madam Edith Marculey
Date: Friday, March 12, 2004 9:07 PM
Subject: Re: remain blessed

Dear Acksi.

thanks you very much, my son Moses will be coming to the airport with the person we ask to pick you up, this is because I am not feeling real good since this afternoon. my son will quickly recognise you as soon as he sees you and will take you to a hotel where you will check in. then I will meet you there with my son because the guesshuose where we are staying is not all the safe especialy because of the skin deference.

we wish you the best until we meet here, we are also waiting for your final confirmation mail.

remain blessed.



From: Mr. Acksi Dent (Managing Director)
To: Madam Edith Marculey

dreary edith,

i am quickly sneding this emal to you from the ariport before I bored my flit. i am pleased to tell yoo the I havee now got the VISA so theer will bee know problms.

please remember to make shure theer is someone to meet with me on my arrivail. as you know i will be arriving at 6:20pm your time.

i must go now as they arr jimlad making the final cull four my flight.

I wheel see you in person in just a phew whores time!!


Ascki dent



[Damn! I knew I had forgotten something. I forgot to board my flight to Abidjan!]

From: Madam Edith Marculey
Date: Sunday, March 14, 2004 5:05 PM
Subject: ?

Dear Acksi

it was very supprising when my son moses came back from the airport after waiting and couldn't fine you, THANK YOU FOR MAKING US A JOKE:

[Short and to the point I suppose!]



[Time to 'fess up]

Dear Edith,

How are you?

By now I am sure that you have realised that I am not on the plane. I never even boarded the flight. Well, how could I, the flight never existed!

From the very first email you sent to me last February I was fully aware that you were a 419 scammer, a thief, and of course a liar. There is no $20 million Dollars Edith. I know it and of course you know it. You were just trying a pitiful little scam to try to steal my money.

Sadly for you I am the one who has been scamming you! I made you pose for a picture with a sign that says "I like to lick ass"! Thanks for the nice photograph. For the past couple of weeks your picture has been displayed on my anti-scam website, where thousands of people have been taking a good luck at your mugu face!

The passport I sent you was a forgery, and the same applies to the flight booking slip as well.

Of course, perhaps you paid some ugly whore to pose for the picture, but that does not matter. Your time and hopes were wasted, whilst all the time you thought you were going to steal £15,000 from me!

By the way, I thought you might enjoy the picture below. Perhaps it may be a good idea to print it out and frame it, so that you have something to remember me by!

PLEASE do not bother to waste your time to try to convince me your offer was real. I am an expert in 419 scams and that is exactly what you were trying to pull. Sadly I see many thousands of emails like yours every year. So far this year I have made a fool out of over 60 other thieves like you, in just the same manner. Yes, they were dumb enough to send in stupid pictures as well!

Bye for now.

Shiver Metimbers.




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